
Trần Trung Hiếu
2 min readMay 10, 2021
Photo by Matt Hardy on Unsplash

The world we live in is governed by a curious flow. Currents of change pushing back and forth, manifesting themselves physically or metaphysically. This presents us with four options. We may resign ourselves to the flow, retreat in the direction of the flow, break the flow, or manipulate the flow.

To resign ourselves to the flow is to surrender any personal opinions or feelings and going wherever the currents of change shall take you. This could end for better or worse, but you will not be worried about the outcome, for you have already accepted it.

To retreat in the direction of the flow is to be against the flow in mind, but unable to resist the currents of change. You will keep moving in the direction that the flow takes you. You will have bought yourself time to regroup, but to stay against the flow too long will drain you if you have not reorganized.

To break the flow is to be unyieldingly against it. Breaking the flow is good for helping others, or for defeating the force of change that you cannot compromise with. But, should the waves become too powerful, you will be swept away, and all those around you as well.

To manipulate the flow is to channel the energy of change in a way that is productive for you. With this, you may convert defeat into victory, vice into virtue, bad into good. But be wary, just as quickly as you’ve created all that is good, the good may turn bad.

All throughout history, we’ve sought to control the flow, both physically, and metaphysically.

This article was inspired by this poem.



Trần Trung Hiếu

ENTJ poet/philosopher, political/military strategist. Student of the classics. Catholic religion, Daoist philosophy.